
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alaska Vacation Start

Well, well, well.

I had everything so carefully planned. My Alaska Adventure has hit a snag.

The first leg (Philly to Boston) was delayed because of a thunderstorm. But, I still might have made my connection had they not discovered a "baggage count discrepancy". So, after waiting on the tarmac, it's back to the gate to resolve the problem. then back out onto the tarmac for another hour and half of waiting. I was 3 hours late for my connection. Thank you, US Airways.

The next flight I was able to get was for the next day and since the only motel in the area that wasn't full was $349 a night (airline wouldn't pay) I spent the night in Logan Airport in Boston. It's hard to sleep sitting in a chair. Supposed to leave on the new flight at 3:30  this afternoon, but my confidence is shaken and I am taking all promises with a grain of salt...a big grain of salt.

No pictures this post, though some of the people passing before me, lo these many hours, are interesting (if not downright strange). Was roundly cursed by a man (homeless?crazy?) who accused me of "running him off" when I sat down three seats away from him.

Thank you, whoever invented Excedrin Extra Strength.

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